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Super Shungite EMF Miracle Stone! WHOLESALE + BULK BUYS! Pure Water 5g to 20kg

Super Shungite EMF Miracle Stone! WHOLESALE + BULK BUYS! Pure Water 5g to 20kg
Super Shungite EMF Miracle Stone! WHOLESALE + BULK BUYS! Pure Water 5g to 20kg
Super Shungite EMF Miracle Stone! WHOLESALE + BULK BUYS! Pure Water 5g to 20kg

Super Shungite EMF Miracle Stone! WHOLESALE + BULK BUYS! Pure Water 5g to 20kg   Super Shungite EMF Miracle Stone! WHOLESALE + BULK BUYS! Pure Water 5g to 20kg
Shungite 5 grams to 20kg Mixed EMF Miracle Stone! Choose the weight you want. You will get multiple pieces depending on the weight. Shungite is quite light in weight. We think our price is the best This is Standard Type. Origin: Shun'ga area, Shun'ga village, Onega lake, Karelia Republic, Northern Region, Russia. Shungite is elementary noncrystalline carbon with a meta-stable structure incapable of graphitization, it is also used as a term to describe a sequence of metamorphic rocks from the Karelia region of Russia containing such carbon.

Trace amounts of fullerenes 0.0001. Crystal Healing, Reiki, Chakra, Meditation, Divination, Scrying, Pagan, Wicca, Also a nice addition to Your mineral collection. Each piece is as mined They have not been cut or shaped in any way.

Size, shape and weight will vary. May be used for Detoxification / Purification & EMF Protection. Thought by geologists to be around 2 billion years old, Shungite is thought to be powerful healing stone used since ancient times, that may detoxify your body by absorbing and eliminating negative or hazardous energies. Shungite is also thought to be beneficial for EMF protection. Carry them with you in your, place them under your pillow or on your bedside table.

If you are looking for relief from insomnia, place your near your bed. For the antioxidant and health benefits of Shungite, many advise that you infuse your drinking water with your stone. After rinsing, put it in the bottom of a glass container and fill it with water. Allow the stones activate the water for a couple minutes before you drink it. Just know that because of the carbon makeup of the stone, there may be some carbon residue in your water.

NB Note that as this is almost pure carbon, black residue/dust may be shed. We have over 40yrs experience in this area and have personally collected many of the Crystal types and Minerals that will be brought to you. ALL PROFITS FROM OUR SALES GO TO OUR CHARITY specifically African Women's Aid Network. & Eden Children's Village Kampala. You should always seek the help of health professionals if you have a physical or mental disorder.

Super Shungite EMF Miracle Stone! WHOLESALE + BULK BUYS! Pure Water 5g to 20kg   Super Shungite EMF Miracle Stone! WHOLESALE + BULK BUYS! Pure Water 5g to 20kg